Wednesday, February 5, 2014

27 week pregnancy update

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

27 week pregnancy update

How far along?  27 weeks!
Total weight gain?  down to -5 from my pre-pregnancy weight
(-16lbs lost/+11lbs gained back/-5lbs down from pre-pregnancy weight)
Maternity clothes?  uh huh
Stretch marks?  still none this pregnancy

Sleep:  toss...turn...readjust pregnancy pillow..go to the bathroom...repeat

Best moments this week:  watching my belly move and talking about a definite name (to be announced upon delivery) ;)
Movement:  we have entered the visual part of movement from the outside!

Cravings:  fruit

Gender Predictions:  It's a girl!

Labor Signs:  no

Belly button in or out?  not much change lately...still an innie

What I miss?  breathing without a baby in the way and walking up a flight of stairs without becoming winded

What I am looking forward to?   The third trimester! And more nesting/post-baby prep.

Weekly wisdom:  Don't ask your husband to help choose a "coming home from the hospital outfit."
"I like them all, you pick." isn't really a helpful answer.
 I think that I will just pack a few and choose then :)

Milestones:   Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower! Approximately 16 inches and 2 1/2lbs!


  1. Daniel did not understand the "coming home" outfit phenomena either... until Ralphie was born. I sent him to Janie and Jack and he totally outdid himself. Of course, it's hard to go wrong in that store. ;)

    1. It was actually funny because it wasn't that he didn't care or was clueless, he just thought that the handful of outfits that I loved, he thought that they were all so cute that he couldn't choose either. It was kind of sweet.
