Friday, February 15, 2013

One month

 I had seen this idea on Pinterest and thought
that it would be such a fun way to celebrate each month as it
 passed as Isaac grew.
Little did I know that I would reach each of those milestones
 without him.
Never the less, we will celebrate him.
Pinned Image
Our little blue bird would have been one month old on
February 11, 2013
Happy one month, Isaac.
It feels like just yesterday you were born. I cannot believe that a whole month has gone by.
 This month would have been our first weeks with you
                               Instead it was our first weeks without you...

We love you more and more every day and selfishly wish that you were here with us.
However, we know that God's plan is much greater than our own.
I can only imagine how incredible his life beyond this world has been
and I feel at peace.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever love and believe in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life."
 "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Luke 18:16

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Symbol of Isaac: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Blue Birds Fly

watercolor painting from dearpumpernickel  This would make one amazing tattoo piece.
For some reason my boys have always become associated with an animal
as part of who they are to us.
For example, Owen is our turtle, and Evan is our monkey.
 In fact, for each one of them, I had bought them a small stuffed animal or raddle
when they were babies that suited them.
I hadn't chosen one for Isaac yet when he died.

It really bothered me that he did not have the symbol which had become
 sort of a tradition in our family.

The exhaustion of grief had overtaken me in the first few days and honestly
I did not even have the strength to choose something and knew
that it needed to be something very special.
I waited until God revealed to me, something fitting for our sweet boy,
and after a short time He revealed it to me.
When it came for me it seemed so fitting, so appropriate, for so many reasons.

Now Isaac will forever be associated with a blue bird.
The more I thought about it the more I saw God's purpose in this choice.
1.The bluebird comes in the spring.
Isaac's due date was in May.
I know that, at the coming of spring, God will send the blue birds.
They will perch on my lilac bush just outside of my kitchen window
as He does every spring and I will remember him.
2. The bluebird is a symbol of happiness.
God's happiness in our faithfulness,
Isaac's happiness with his eternal Father, and
our happiness as we remember our sweet baby boy
and the joy he brought to our lives.
3.The bluebird is also a symbol of renewal.
Not only has Isaac been renewed but I have as well.
My faith has been renewed in a way that could never have been
without the life and death of my precious son...
just as we are renewed in the life and death of God's son.

bluebirds of happiness - my Isaac

One evening my dad wanted to take us out to dinner.
We went to eat that evening at Cracker Barrel.
I was anticipating, more than anything, perusing the gift shop,
ever in search of a symbol of  Isaac.
I also knew that they carried the Willow Tree collection and
I just knew that I would find something to commemorate
my love for him.

Little did I know that what I would find
would be more of a commemoration of his love for me.
It is simply entitled "Happiness."
In this short and simple title it reminded me that
Isaac wants me to be happy...
and more importantly that
 God wants me to be happy.
And happiness I will surely find....
"If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow why, then oh why can't i?"

"Think of Me
When you're feeling sad or a little blue,
Look around and you'll see I'm here with you

I'm the bird who soars so high above
I'm the one who filled your heart with love."
~Author Unknown