35 week pregnancy update

Total weight gain? up +7 from my pre-pregnancy weight
(-16lbs lost/+23 lbs gained back/+7 lbs up from pre-pregnancy weight)
Maternity clothes? yes but the shirt in the picture is not >
Stretch marks? none this pregnancy
Sleep: getting up three to four times a night to go to the bathroom
Best moments this week: Making it to 35 weeks. The girls were born at 34 weeks so I feel good knowing that if she comes early that she will be ok.
Movement: sleeping a lot but moving good. she prefers my bladder.
Cravings: sweets. cupcakes are my favorite.
Gender Predictions: pretty in pink
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out? still an innie but almost to the surface
What I miss? getting up easily without my husband laughing at me. at least I am laughing with him and he always offers to help me up.
What I am looking forward to? The next few weeks as a family of six. Soaking up as much as I can with our family as it is and with Evan as the "baby" of the family.
Weekly wisdom: If you do to much to soon you will have very little to keep you busy in the last few weeks.
Milestones: 5 weeks to go! She is measuring approximately 5 1/4 lbs and 18-22 inches long!
The size of a honeydew melon! Almost 30 days left in the countdown!
Cravings: sweets. cupcakes are my favorite.
Gender Predictions: pretty in pink
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out? still an innie but almost to the surface
What I miss? getting up easily without my husband laughing at me. at least I am laughing with him and he always offers to help me up.
What I am looking forward to? The next few weeks as a family of six. Soaking up as much as I can with our family as it is and with Evan as the "baby" of the family.
Weekly wisdom: If you do to much to soon you will have very little to keep you busy in the last few weeks.
Milestones: 5 weeks to go! She is measuring approximately 5 1/4 lbs and 18-22 inches long!
The size of a honeydew melon! Almost 30 days left in the countdown!
Very happy for you...glad things are going well...not to much longer she will be here!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Lisa! I cannot wait!