Wednesday, January 22, 2014
25 week pregnancy update
How far along? 25 weeks! We have now passed the point of viability!
Total weight gain? I have lost -16lbs/gained +12lbs back/so I am still -4lbs from my original starting weight.

Stretch marks? I have not had one stretch mark since I was pregnant with the girls 8 years ago. So, no new stretch marks since the twin pregnancy. But, lets face it, there was no getting out of them with a belly that big no matter how many times a day I lathered on the belly oil.
Sleep: The pregnancy pillow is my best friend. The baby is already waking me up multiple times a night because she is so active, but I love it. You can find me smiling, half asleep, with my hand on my belly multiple times throughout the night, which I think is a beautiful thing. Oh, and there is the getting up to pee multiple times a night too. Who can forget that? I'll just count it as practice for all of the getting up in the middle of the night I will be doing here very soon once she arrives. I am a little out of practice.
Best moments this week: Yesterday it was Owen's turn to go to a doctors appointment with me. It was so nice to just have time with my first son. We don't get to do that very often. He was so excited to get to see his baby sister on the ultrasound! Grandma (my mom) came too so it was extra special!
Movement: This girl is going to either be a gymnast or a ballerina....or maybe a trampolinist in the Olympics? She is one busy girl! And though she uses my bladder as her springboard, I am grateful for the reassurance that she is doing well.
Cravings: Nothing concrete. If I would have to pick something it would probably be ice cream...hold the pickles.
Gender Predictions: We found out on Friday the 13th of December that it is a girl! So excited to have a baby girl again after two boys! It will be fun to experience one baby girl this time too.
Labor Signs: Thank God, no! Only in my head sometimes...Rainbow pregnancies, or pregnancy after a loss, come with them, a whole new level of anxiety. One day at a time. Braxton Hicks contractions come and go every once in a while preparing for the real deal approximately 15 weeks from now.
Belly button in or out? Still in. Even with the girls pregnancy it only became flat. No outie for me.
What I miss? It is getting a little difficult to shave these days. Getting up from a seated position has become a bit more difficult as well.
What I am looking forward to? Holding her! I can't even fathom the gamut of emotions that her birth will bring, but, I cannot wait for the raw emotion of it all and getting to meet our little girl, face to face, in the very hospital that we said goodbye to our sweet Isaac just a year ago.
Weekly wisdom: I have always been one to wait until the end to get everything ready for baby. All of these years later I realize that it is a lot easier to waddle my bum down to the basement at 22-25 weeks pregnant than at 30+ weeks pregnant. Clothes are washed and put away, car seat is ready, diaper bag is packed, diapers and wipes are bought, and our bedroom has been rearranged in preparation for her arrival and for our new room mate. My plans are to invest in paper plates and plastic silverware and make some freezer meals for after she is born and pack the hospital bag in the next few weeks. I think my 9 month pregnant self will thank me.
Milestones: 1lb 9oz Approximately the size of an eggplant. Passing the 24 week mark of viability.
Cravings: Nothing concrete. If I would have to pick something it would probably be ice cream...hold the pickles.
Gender Predictions: We found out on Friday the 13th of December that it is a girl! So excited to have a baby girl again after two boys! It will be fun to experience one baby girl this time too.
Labor Signs: Thank God, no! Only in my head sometimes...Rainbow pregnancies, or pregnancy after a loss, come with them, a whole new level of anxiety. One day at a time. Braxton Hicks contractions come and go every once in a while preparing for the real deal approximately 15 weeks from now.
Belly button in or out? Still in. Even with the girls pregnancy it only became flat. No outie for me.
What I miss? It is getting a little difficult to shave these days. Getting up from a seated position has become a bit more difficult as well.
What I am looking forward to? Holding her! I can't even fathom the gamut of emotions that her birth will bring, but, I cannot wait for the raw emotion of it all and getting to meet our little girl, face to face, in the very hospital that we said goodbye to our sweet Isaac just a year ago.
Weekly wisdom: I have always been one to wait until the end to get everything ready for baby. All of these years later I realize that it is a lot easier to waddle my bum down to the basement at 22-25 weeks pregnant than at 30+ weeks pregnant. Clothes are washed and put away, car seat is ready, diaper bag is packed, diapers and wipes are bought, and our bedroom has been rearranged in preparation for her arrival and for our new room mate. My plans are to invest in paper plates and plastic silverware and make some freezer meals for after she is born and pack the hospital bag in the next few weeks. I think my 9 month pregnant self will thank me.
Milestones: 1lb 9oz Approximately the size of an eggplant. Passing the 24 week mark of viability.
:D Love her already
ReplyDelete:D Me too! I cannot wait to share her with everyone. She is going to be a very special little lady I can tell already <3