Sunday, August 8, 2010
Oh how the time has passed...
It seems as if it were only yesterday that my midwife had that strange look on her face as she preformed the first ultrasound that I ever had. I was nervous as to what she was about to say for the look on her face wasn't exactly a favorable one. As she turned the screen for my viewing she showed me the tiny little sack that held my first child....and then a second one! Mind you I was on my lunch break and was in a rush to get back to work since we had guests in from out of town and were doing testing at L'Oreal that day. I left the office in a daze as I called everyone that I possibly could in the five minute drive back to work. Joe was the first of course and he was so excited and so proud of himself. I quickly called my parents and grandparents and family. We were all in disbelief and giddy with happiness at the incredible miracle. I got back to work and showed my coworkers the ultrasound picture as nervous laughter consumed me. They were in disbelief as well and we just giggled about our secret the rest of the day. I refrained from passing out thinking about two cribs and car seats and all of the other necessities that were coming our way. But most of all I couldn't wait to get home to celebrate our new family with my husband of three months. It is so hard to believe that all of this happened almost five years ago! It was a very long and nerve wracking journey but, looking back, it was the most incredible journey. The journey that took us to the beginning of our family. At seven months I was sent to the hospital for monitoring for consistent contractions. We left the hospital after a steroid shot to mature the babies lungs and were to return twenty-four hours later for the next. Two weeks later I awoke to my water breaking and at seven and a half months we were on our way to the hospital. (Of course not until Joe payed the bills first.) We arrived at the hospital and things progressed very quickly. I was about to deliver twins six weeks early and was as calm as could be. At 11:13 Emilee Elizabeth was born weighing 4lbs 15 oz and four minutes later at 11:17 Olivia Grace made her appearance into this world to join her sister weighing 4lbs 13oz. I got my natural birth that I wanted and everything went quickly and smoothly. They were in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for one week with no complications. We were so very blessed and were well aware of how lucky we were. We went from a family of two to a family of four in minutes. This was six weeks before we were to celebrate our first wedding anniversary.
Looking back I cannot believe how the time has passed and how many things that we have accomplished and had the joy of experiencing over the past four years that we have been blessed with our beautiful fraternal twin girls. Four! What a blessing they have been, how they have grown, and what beautiful young ladies they are becoming. They are amazing and they are a daily reminder of all of the blessings in my life. Happy 4Th Birthday Emilee & Olivia! We love you more than words could say.
And this is my crazy, busy, beautiful life...
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