"On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder
that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered,
"Life will never be the same."
"Because there had never been anyone like you...
ever in the world."
"On the Night You Were Born"
-Nancy Tillman
One month has gone by since we first saw your sweet face and we breathed our first breaths together.
Yours a breath of life and mine a breath of relief.
You were here, alive, and well, and life would never be the same...
*you are amazing
*you love ceiling fans and, well, basically any fixture hanging from the ceiling
*you love the windows and the curtains, opened or closed, and the shadows that they make
*you love to smile, great big smiles at us, and you have since birth
*if we stick our tongue out at you you will stick yours back out at us, repeatedly.
you especially love to play this game with your siblings.
*you are starting to coo and "talk" to us when you make eye contact with us and get very excited when we talk back to you. you wave your arms and legs to show us your excitement.
*you love to nurse and have been a pro since day one. Mommy thinks that you must have been sucking your thumb the whole nine months to be born that well established.
*you just started wearing cloth diapers this week.
*you look like your mommy did when she was a baby. you have "stork bite on your eye lids and you even make the monkey face that she did, making an "o" with your mouth a good part of the day.
*you discovered just yesterday that you love the swing.
*you have lost most of the hair on the top of your head making you resemble an old man with little hair on top and a ring of hair around the sides. however, from the back. your hair is long so you have a bit of a mullet going on. the hair that you do have left on the top looks like a thinning mohawk. it is a one of a kind hair style for sure.
* you often have what we call "doggie dreams" because you go through a whole plethora of emotions in your sleep. you smile, you frown, you make all sorts of faces and show many emotions. we watch you and wonder just what you are dreaming about.
* you have adorable dimples
*you have hiccups at least once a day
* you have blessed us beyond measure and healed a place in us that we didn't know could ever be healed.
you are an abundant blessing little girl.
"We love you more than you ever will know, so we sent love to follow wherever you go."
-Nancy Tillman