Wednesday, February 26, 2014

30 week pregnancy update!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

 30 week pregnancy update

How far along? 30 weeks!

Total weight gain? up +3  from my pre-pregnancy weight
(-16lbs lost/+19lbs gained back/+2 lbs up from pre-pregnancy weight)

Maternity clothes? yes. yoga pants, jeans, or leggings most days
Stretch marks? none this pregnancy

Sleep: getting up approximately 4 times a night to go to the bathroom so I sleep between bathroom breaks. Practicing for baby girl keeping me up all night.

Best moments this week:  making big sister/big brother t-shirts for the kids to wear to the hospital to meet their baby sister and catching Owen tiptoeing into my bedroom in the wee hours of the morning, lifting my shirt, placing his hand on my belly, and greeting his baby sister, "Good morning baby sister."
Movement: feels like she has made the switch from the rough tumbling gymnast to the fluid ballerina

Cravings: nothing particular but I am finally ravishingly hungry most times of day but still get full very quickly

Gender Predictions: sugar and spice and everything nice

Labor Signs: practice, practice, practice...Braxton Hicks contractions only

Belly button in or out? still an innie

What I miss?  sleep

What I am looking forward to?  my appointment and ultrasound next week!

Weekly wisdom:  Get as much done ahead of time as you can.

Milestones:  30week mark! 3+lbs and 18 inches long. The size of a large cabbage.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 8/52

2014 Weekly Portrait Challenge

Week 8

This week we are making t-shirts for baby girl's arrival!...

Emilee's big sister t-shirt in her favorite color-pink

Olivia's big sister t-shirt in one of her favorite colors-orange

Owen's big brother t-shirt in his favorite color-blue

Evan's big brother t-shirt in his favorite color-green

baby girl/week 29

Be sure to check out my nieces weekly portrait challenges as well!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

29 week pregnancy update

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

29 week pregnancy update

How far along?  29 weeks!

Total weight gain?  up +2  from my pre-pregnancy weight
(-16lbs lost/+18lbs gained back/+2 lbs up from pre-pregnancy weight)

Maternity clothes?  yes
Stretch marks?  none this pregnancy

Sleep:   ha! I sleep between bathroom breaks at night and sometimes catch a nap with Evan in the afternoon.

Best moments this week:  ordering some special things for baby girl! Cloth diapers (thanks to my wonderful niece) and a very special outfit for her to wear the day she is born.
Movement:   busy girl

Cravings:   nothing lately

Gender Predictions:   lots of pink in our future

Labor Signs:  no.

Belly button in or out?   still an innie

What I miss?  sleeping comfortably

What I am looking forward to?  orders to arrive in the mail  and the 30 week mark!

Weekly wisdom:  TMI: Sex just isn't the same after a certain point in pregnancy...just saying

Milestones:  2.5-3lbs and 15+inches long. The size of a butternut squash!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Week 7/52

2014 Weekly Portrait Challenge

Week 7

This week we are celebrating love...


Emilee making Daddy his valentine.
Pink, pink, and more pink.
She made a beautiful card for Daddy
and learned how to spell the word

Olivia making daddy his valentine.
She wrote and spelled all by herself.
The front, back, and inside of her card was full of
 loving words and hearts for daddy.

Owen making daddy his valentine.
He did a wonderful job cutting and gluing and writing.
He even drew daddy an elaborate train on his card.

Evan playing conversation heart bingo with his siblings.
He did an excellent job matching his colors all by himself!

baby girl/week 28

Be sure to check out my nieces weekly portrait challenges as well!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

28 week pregnancy update

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

28 week pregnancy update

How far along? 28 weeks!

Total weight gain? Finally broke even.
down to +0  from my pre-pregnancy weight
(-16lbs lost/+16lbs gained back/-0lbs down from pre-pregnancy weight)
Maternity clothes? uh huh
Stretch marks? still none this pregnancy

Sleep: toss...turn...readjust pregnancy pillow..go to the bathroom...repeat

Best moments this week: waking up in the middle of the night because Daddy is trying to feel his baby girl move and Evan opening my sweater and saying, "Hi baby sister!" to my belly, and hiccups.
Movement:  slowed down a little bit. still feeling lots of movement just less tumbles and kicks.

Cravings: fruit

Gender Predictions: It's a girl!

Labor Signs: no. only lots of braxton hicks. practice, practice, practice!

Belly button in or out? not much change lately...still an innie

What I miss? sleep

What I am looking forward to?   Finishing touches of preparing for baby!

Weekly wisdom:  Trust your instincts.

Milestones:   Third trimester!!! Approximately 3lbs and 17inches long

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 6/52

2014 Weekly Portrait Challenge

Week 6

This week we are dreaming of spring...

Emilee Elizabeth

Olivia Grace

Owen Michael

Evan Joseph

baby girl - week 27

Be sure to check out my nieces weekly portrait challenges as well!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Finally finding a system that works! - Laundry Edition

For our family of 6 (soon to be 7) I have been in search of a way to simplify our laundry system and eliminate a few problems that were occurring in our home.
First of all, the kids were going through an unnecessary amount of clothes.
You know the story...
 They would either change their clothes multiple times a day and when they would clean up any clothes, clean or dirty, that were on the floor would end up in the hamper (X4)!
The problem really came to a head when I was in the hospital last year and my husband had to deal with it all on his own. The hamper was full EVERY DAY!!!
I knew something had to change, but how to go about it was the question.
I had read the books that the Duggar family had written and loved the idea of how they have one family closet off of their laundry room.
No dressers and closets full of clothes in their bedrooms,
meaning no free reign of the clothes for the kids.
 Every night they each got their bin with their name on it from the family closet.
The bin contains their pj's and clothes for that night and the next day.
When they came to collect their clothes and pj's they would bring down their dirty clothes.
 Pj's are worn for three days (unless an accident arises) so those would get washed every three days.
When I read this I remember thinking that maybe someday, if we move to a bigger house, that we could implement some form of a family closet.
Then I realized...
We have this problem now and this need that needs to be addressed now.
Then it dawned on me that we could make what we have work in the home that we are in.
Isn't that how it always seems to be?
We always think, if I had "this or that" that things would be so much better?
We need to learn to think outside of the box and work with what we have to make it work best for us and our families.
We will be much happier Mamas and families for it.
So, this is what we did...
First, I totally eliminated all of the kids clothes from the closet in their bedroom and moved them downstairs next to the washer and dryer.
 It is SO much more convenient to put them away after they are washed now!
I wash, I dry, I hang, and I fold, all downstairs. I bring the folded upstairs and put them right in the dresser drawers.
No more unfolded loads of laundry waiting to be folded and it takes about
10 minutes of my time per load!
What a difference!
(We will be moving the dressers down stairs soon which will eliminate all clothes in their room and putting away foldeds even easier.)
And the plus side is that now there is more room in their closet for storing toys and such. 
I bought a three drawer rolling bin which holds socks, underwear, and t-shirts.
One drawer for each child that is stored under the folding table that sits under where their clothes hang.
I got inexpensive bins and put their names on them.
These bins get an outfit, socks, underwear, and a t-shirt every day.
When brought upstairs they sit on top of their dresser or on the shelf in their closet where they can reach them.
They are responsible for folding their pj's every morning and putting them in their bin for that night. Their dirty clothes go in a community laundry basket and get washed on the third day when the pj's are ready to be washed.
 This makes two laundry days a week, doing approximately 6-8 loads a week.
That includes all of the laundry for the whole house!
This has been a HUGE improvement in our home and a great stress relief for me.
No more clean clothes in the hamper!
No more multiple clothing changes a day!
Everyone is responsible for their own clothes, pj's, and bin every day!
As an added bonus the girls can work the system all by themselves
 and we have been working on that process for after the baby comes.
What a big help that will be for Mommy
and what a great teaching opportunity for my girls to learn this homemaking skill.
(The boys will learn as well when they are mature enough to do so.)

This may not work for every family but it has made such a huge stress in our household
an easy task.
I had to share because I know that I am not the only one that was stressed out by piles of laundry and baskets waiting to be folded.
I went from trudging up and down the stairs, doing 10-12 loads of laundry, 
all day, to one day a week, doing
6-8 smaller loads of laundry, two days a week,
all done in about an hours time!

While it is deffinitly not a beautiful Pinterest-worthy laundry room 
it is what works best in our home
and that to me is a beautiful thing!
I  hope that you find encouragement if this is an issue in your home
 and that it may help make your laundry system a little less stressful.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

27 week pregnancy update

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

27 week pregnancy update

How far along?  27 weeks!
Total weight gain?  down to -5 from my pre-pregnancy weight
(-16lbs lost/+11lbs gained back/-5lbs down from pre-pregnancy weight)
Maternity clothes?  uh huh
Stretch marks?  still none this pregnancy

Sleep:  toss...turn...readjust pregnancy pillow..go to the bathroom...repeat

Best moments this week:  watching my belly move and talking about a definite name (to be announced upon delivery) ;)
Movement:  we have entered the visual part of movement from the outside!

Cravings:  fruit

Gender Predictions:  It's a girl!

Labor Signs:  no

Belly button in or out?  not much change lately...still an innie

What I miss?  breathing without a baby in the way and walking up a flight of stairs without becoming winded

What I am looking forward to?   The third trimester! And more nesting/post-baby prep.

Weekly wisdom:  Don't ask your husband to help choose a "coming home from the hospital outfit."
"I like them all, you pick." isn't really a helpful answer.
 I think that I will just pack a few and choose then :)

Milestones:   Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower! Approximately 16 inches and 2 1/2lbs!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 5/52

2014 Weekly Portrait Challenge

Week 5

This week we are stuck inside...

growing up right before our eyes


little lady


bath time


deep in thought

baby girl //week 26

Be sure to check out my nieces weekly portrait challenges as well!