Saturday, October 23, 2010

God's abundant blessings...

October 12th started our journey into parenthood, once again, as my water broke at 6:30pm as I was trying on my $1,000.00 worth of clothes that I had won from Coldwater Creek. The ironic part was the fact that I called it. As soon as I pulled on the first pair of pants, thinking, "Wouldn't it figure if my water broke while I was trying on my new clothes?" I was slipping on the second to last outfit and sure water broke! I called Joe and let him know that it was time that he head home for the day and then notified the midwife. I had just been into the office that morning for a check up and his head was still very high. I was 3 days past my due date and still only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. No changes, although, I knew that this meant nothing seeing as how I never progressed with any of my other children until I went into labor. My plan was to labor at home as long as possible, however, the midwife wanted me to go in right away since his head was so high that morning. This was a preventative measure to insure that his head came down first, not his cord, so that he would not cut off his air supply. We arrived at the hospital around 9:30pm and got settled in. I was already 3cm with no consistent contractions to speak of. We walked for a bit and then utilized the exercise ball for a good portion of my labor. By this point contractions were coming hard and fast and continued for a couple of hours. My ipod with my hypnobirthing and the ball were my best friend during this time. A short time later I transitioned to the bed with the ball for a more comfortable place to labor on all fours. It was time to monitor me again so the midwife began to look for the babies heart beat. She was having a difficult time finding it, but we weren't concerned as he liked to run away from the monitor every time we tried to listen to his heart rate. However, this time was different. When she was finally able to find it and it was in the 70's! (His normal heart rate was between 150-135.) This was not a good sign and it wasn't coming back up either. On all fours in bed I had my back to everyone and everything that was going on behind me but I could hear the scrambling and commotion that was ensuing. This is when I went deep inside of myself. I prayed. Every night when I put the kids to bed we sing a lullaby prayer. To the tune of Edelweiss I sang to my baby:

 "May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever, grant you peace, perfect peace, courage in every endeavour. Lift up your eyes and see His face, and His grace, forever. May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever."

I could hear the kids singing it with me in my mind and I knew that everything would be ok. I used this time to utilize my hypnobirthing and breathing as I breathed my baby down. I knew that the Dr. that had come in to access me was ready to wheel me down to the operating room and cut me open. I focused on breathing the baby down and my cervix opening and as they checked me again I was opening and transitioning in preparation for delivery. My midwife was incredible and fought for the natural labor that I urned for. They administered a drug to slow down my contractions, gave me oxygen, and started iv fluids. As the contractions slowed and I turned to lay on my side his heart rate came up and stabilized. I finally was able to see the faces of my husband and parents and they looked panicked and terrified. I gave them a thumbs up and let them know that we were good and they didn't need to worry because I wasn't worried.
 "I trust my body and my baby" and " My body and my baby were meant to do this" were two mantras from hypnobirthing that repeated in my head.
Now that labor was slowed and his heart rate was stabilized they were able to take me off of the drug and let labor start up again. It came back hard and fast again, but, by the grace of God his heart rate stayed up for the remainder of labor and delivery. The contractions were faster and more furious then ever but in my mind I was willing to do whatever it took to get my baby here safely. I knew that if I changed my position that I would probably be more comfortable, but the last time I changed positions was when his heart rate dropped. So I continued in the positon that I was in, lying in bed, to deliver. As scary as it was, it was the most passionate labor that I have endured. I appreciated him so much more as they layed him on my chest and he opened his little blue eyes and looked at me for the first time. He was here and he was safe. I had let my body do what it needed to do and let go of all control and it worked! I was able to have my natural birth and have a healthy baby and I was so very grateful for that. What an incredible experience. It reminded me how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken from us. There are no promises in this world no matter the circumstances.

"May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever, grant you peace, perfect peace, courage in every endeavour. Lift up your eyes and see His face, and His grace, forever. May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever."

This prayer now has new meaning. Not just as I sing it to my heavy eyed children as they drift of to sleep, but to myself as well. He sustained me to fight for my baby and for myself. A renewed seance of faith and appreciation.

May the Lord Mighty God bless and keep YOU forever <3